Adult Ministries
When the church feels like family you begin to experience true love and true community. Ministries like Sunday School and our Wednesday evening gatherings are places where we begin to move from attendance to true community. We work hard to build fellowship, relationships, and community connection among people of all ages.
Ladies’ Ministry
We have an active ladies’ ministry with regular weekly Bible studies. We also host occasional ladies’ activities to give our ladies a time of focused encouragement and fellowship. See our church calendar for further details.
Men’s Ministry
Our men meet weekly for fellowship and encouragement on Friday mornings. The men of Ashley River also enjoy opportunities to work and serve together at various functions throughout the year. See our church calendar for further details.
Seniors Ministry
We have an active seniors group. They gather monthly for lunch with special music or guest speakers. They also get together for game days. See our church calendar for further details.
Senior Choir
Our Senior Choir meets each week for practice and travels to local assisted living facilities and other locations to share songs and stories!